Irish eyes are….what?

Dear Editor:
We all know that the St. Patty’s day parade is dangerous. My goodness, all those police officers and firemen, playing the bagpipes, standing straight and proud. That is just a travesty. Oh, and the priests. Well, you know how damaging these critters can be, along with face painting and balloons. We all can see that this type of pride in this holiday can be damaging to the liver….and the green and the four leaf clovers and the Blarney Stone…now that is cause to drink and raise hell.
If drinking and partying was the major concern in reference to the St. Patty’s day parade, the bars would be closed….Oh, but we cannot do that, can we!!! What we have left is the promotion of nothing, but drinking and partying…green beer and green promotions. Say, not to change the subject, but where did Vision 20/20 go?

Bonnie Toadvyn

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