NORTH BERGEN – A reader submitted this photo of rocks that were mysteriously painted bright colors last weekend in James J. Braddock North Hudson County Park. What’s up with that?
Here’s the answer, according to the Facebook page of Freeholder Anthony Vainieri: “These rocks in Braddock Park have always been painted white for safety as cars used to hit them at night because they were difficult to see. Over the years the white paint faded and got dirty and they were recently repainted red and gold. They have to be painted for safety, but they can either go back to white or leave them red and gold outside Bruins Stadium. What do you think?”
Since that posting went up on Tuesday, a lively discussion has taken place online, with respondents voting for their choice of colors. There has even been discussion of changing colors with the seasons.
The winner is still up in the air, as the consensus shifts back and forth. To cast your vote, visit