Ask the Ump!

Rule Changes

QUESTION: In high school baseball, is it legal for an offensive or defensive player to wear a helmet with a shiny, mirror like surface? Are defensive players allowed to wear helmets?
ANSWER: Helmets must have a non-glare surface; hence, the shiny feature is illegal. Face / head protection / helmets are permitted for defense with outer covering being non-glare. (Rule 1, Sec. 5, Art. 1 & 5) and Point of Emphasis.
QUESTION: In high school softball, must batting helmets and the catcher’s helmet also adhere to the non-glare surface policy?
ANSWER: Yes, both helmets, by rule, must not display a mirror like surface which may be distracting and dangerous to other players. (Rule 1, Sec. 6, Art.1; Rule 1-7-1 ).
The feature will appear regularly during the baseball / softball season from now through October. It is designed to explain the rules and procedures for girls, boys and adults. Lynch is a member of the National Federation of State High School Officials (NFHS), National Association of Sports Officials (NASO), Hudson County Baseball Umpires Association (president, cadet supervisor and softball mechanics interpreter and former member of the Amateur Softball Association (ASA). The season begins April 1.

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