Praise and gratitude for Hoboken’s finest and bravest:

Dear Editor:
This past Saturday, there were two life life-threatening incidents that occurred in Hoboken’s 1st Ward, which were both resolved successfully by the efforts of our stellar police officers and firefighters.
Early Saturday morning, the Hoboken Fire Department responded to an apartment fire at 76 Bloomfield St., a senior living facility located in downtown Hoboken. Because of their quick response and professionalism, residents evacuated the building with no serious injuries, and damage to the building was limited a small section of residential units.
Later that same day, Hoboken police officers responded to a potential suicide threat, where neighbors had reported a man walking along rooftops on 4th and Hudson St., and expressed concern that he may be threatening to jump. Responding officers were able to convince the man to step away from the roof’s edge and also to seek medical treatment.
It is days like this past Saturday when I am so thankful for the brave men and women who serve our great city. Their efforts were literally the difference between life and death in these two situations. I would also like to extend my gratitude to the Community Emergency Response Team, the Public Safety Department, the Hoboken Ambulance Corp., and the American Red Cross, who all helped to bring these two incidents to a favorable resolution. To all those who serve the city we call home, thank you!

Theresa Castellano
1st Ward Councilwoman

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