Scrap the Braddock park school plan

Dear Editor:
15 years ago the North Bergen BOE scrapped plans to build a high school in Braddock Park after a referendum showed many citizens were against it. Deceptively, officials violated NJ DEP regulations and moved 17 trailers into the park, called them the North Bergen Preschool and promised they would be there temporarily. They are still there and now North Bergen is seeking a “diversion” to build a permanent school there. They say a preschool, but anything is possible.
We are losing our park. The current $6 million dollar renovation project is replacing acres of natural grass with artificial grass.
These open fields will be fenced off, unavailable to the general public, for use by permit only.
Less park is available to the general public, causing overcrowding in other areas.
People, wildlife and flora are being evicted and building a school in the park will worsen the situation.
A school in the park is unsafe. Officials refuse to say if the trailers were ever tested for formaldehyde, a cancer causing chemical used in trailer construction.
Officials refuse to comment on the unsafe design of the Preschool road where 1 lane is used by vehicles for 2-way traffic and pedestrians (no sidewalk).
No traffic signal or stop sign is at the busy intersection of JFK Blvd. East and the Preschool Road.
Chances of bites from ticks, rats, groundhogs, skunks, snakes, etc. is much greater in the park than the community.
The school site is secluded – no neighbors to report suspicious activity.
Drug paraphernalia, alcoholic beverages and condoms surround the site – the park is not cleaned as well as city streets.
In 2014 a 10 person homeless encampment was found near the preschool.
Almost every year, bodies are found near the preschool – not homicides, but a traumatic sight for children.
Schools belong in the community. Parks do not make schools good – teachers and learning materials do. North Bergen currently has a $9 million dollar budget surplus. North Bergen gives unnecessary tax abatements to rich developers, depriving the Board of Education of tax dollars. This diversion would set a bad precedent; municipalities everywhere will “raid” park land. Braddock is the only large green park for miles around in the most densely populated county in the country.
Tell your neighbors. Sign the petition. Attend the final public open hearing, date TBD.

Robert Walden

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