An open letter to Lance Lucarelli and Mayor Davis

To the Editor:

I was present at the city council meeting on Aug. 19 to lend my support to those challenging the 100-plus-foot structure planned for the corner of 46th Street and Broadway. You may have also heard about my testimony to the Planning Board on Aug. 11 (not 8/12, as reported in the Community News on 8/19), challenging both phases of the North Street project. I am a lifelong resident and a fairly new homeowner. I took on quite a project, in fact: restoring my Second Empire Victorian house. Maybe you’ve seen my page on Facebook: no2phase2.
You very generously offered your time to anyone who wants to visit your office and speak with you, but I am writing this letter on behalf of a sizeable group of residents, as well as my own family. Many residents from both neighborhoods spoke out with some great ideas for compromise on 8/19, even without being armed with the necessary facts to make a formal proposal that might suit everyone’s needs better, including concerned parents. However, your intended neighbors also have some very valid concerns about both plans that have yet to be addressed.
While understanding the “high density” impetus behind such large projects, no one seems to be able to answer the following question: why can’t we find more suitable locations for your planned structures at 46th and North, and then invite residents to contribute to the re-design of these neighborhoods, along with any others slated for similar development with structures over five stories tall? We would greatly appreciate a response to this question, so we can all understand the reason.
Thank you for bringing your vision and talents to Bayonne, Mr. Lucarelli. We welcome new development, especially from residents, and I hope our city can eventually strike the right balance between the needs of everyone involved.
Mayor Davis, on behalf of the residents of my neighborhood, I am requesting a copy of the registered letter notifications for the North Street project. I am also requesting a detailed report on the focus group mentioned in the City Planning testimony on 8/11. Please let everyone know when I can have access to those materials.


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