Hoboken government and its sea of red tape

Dear Editor:
What a delicious irony – Tiffanie Fisher, the chief “no!” voter on the Zoning Board, writing a letter to the editor in praise of soon to be departed reporter Carlo Davis last week, while Carlo lambasts the Zoning Board on page 1 (“Zoned out” Reporter August 30, 2015). The community needs to understand the depths of bureaucratic red tape residents are subjected to at many levels of government, especially the Zoning Board, and Mr. Davis did a splendid job of reporting the miserable treatment that awaited Scott Katz.
And Hoboken is a lesser place for driving the committed community activists such as Mr. Katz from our ranks. Tiffanie Fisher is the embodiment of all that is wrong with the Zoning Board, but don’t take my word for it, read the transcripts or attend a meeting. It will shock your faith in the status quo. This story is a symptom we see all too often in Hoboken where the appointed and elected officials prosecute an agenda that is unprincipled and senselessly punitive. But what is even more telling is the online dialogue after the story. What on earth does this story have to do with Peter Cammarano? The answer is, by pointing to prior corruption the Zimmer administration’s supporters do not have to take responsibility for the horrible government they are running.
Real estate professionals in Hoboken are responsible for far more advancement than the Zimmer Administration, whose contributions including clogging poorly maintained roadways with under-used bike lines and bonding parks it never builds.

Ron Simoncini

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