Hoboken has its own set of rules

Dear Editor:
Hoboken has now OK’d bikes on sidewalks (a real killer let loose) pray tell, will bike lanes on sidewalks will be painted along curbs, or will they be painted along outside of stores, so people can get hit coming out?
Some senior citizens homes have talked about letting seniors walk in gutter along Washington St., as it will be safer on not getting hit by a car, rather a sidewalk bike.
The Hoboken Crossing Guards have just been issued a hand held ‘stop” sign and I’ve been told if not honored, it will be considered a moving violation and issued a summons!
How about the stop signs on corners-any violations on bikes speeding thru them red lights?
Yes Hoboken certainly has own set of rules like bike lanes on left side of street.
Welcome to Hole-Broken.

Jack O’Brien
A long time citizen

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