Dear Editor:
Over the last year, Hoboken Reporter writer Al Sullivan has continued to promote the rumor that Anthony Romano is preparing to run for mayor of Hoboken in the next mayoral election. As a matter of background, Mr. Romano is currently Hoboken’s sole representative as Hudson County Freeholder. One of the many responsibilities of this position is to represent the best interests of Hoboken especially when it comes to Hudson County taxes. As it has been documented ad nauseam, the Hudson County tax burden upon the Hoboken taxpayer has increased astronomically over the past few years. Accordingly, I am perplexed why Al Sullivan would continue to write about Mr. Romano’s potential run for the mayor of Hoboken when it seems he has done nothing to stabilize, besides reduce Hudson County’s tax impact upon the residents of Hoboken?
I do not know Mr. Romano personally and I am sure he is perfectly nice person but he simply has done nothing to address the Hudson County tax problem? If Mr. Romano is seriously considering running for the mayor of Hoboken I would suggest he focus on his current job first and get the Hudson County tax impact on Hoboken reduced. There have been plenty of suggestions over the years about how this could be accomplished beginning with a performance audit of Hudson County but to this date, Mr. Romano has done nothing in this regard?
Mr. Romano I suggest you learn the lessons of others before you (e.g. Beth Mason), if you don’t focus on your current constituents, you won’t have to worry about any future job in politics.