To the Editor:
Sadness and anger. This will address all the parishioners of Our Lady of Assumption Church past and present. I am sure everyone must have heard that our Archbishop is trying to close down our church and probably to sell the property. What are the motives that drive our Archbishop to close our church? Is it finances and profitability? We feel it is for all selfish reasons.
Unfortunately, they have not taken into consideration the feelings of many parishioners who were and still are a part of this community. It started with the efforts of Father Mercolino together with many Italian-Americans who immigrated in the early 1900s who put this parish together. They were able to congregate in their own little community to worship and pray. Many of us have attended school, received all our sacraments, and have passed on these traditions to our children and grandchildren.
The closing of Assumption Church will not only destroy our Italian and Hispanic community of Bayonne, but dishearten and disillusion many. I am sure that no one thought of the repercussions this will have. This will cause many to go away from the Catholic Church. It will definitely have an effect on us all. The Catholic Church has always taught “tradition.” Where are our “tradition” teachings now?
We urge the Archbishop and the Archdiocese to reconsider and let our parish continue to serve the many parishioners who love Our Lady of Assumption Church. We are certain that there are many options that should be considered. Please do not destroy our past. Let us continue in the future.
Please join our appeal and sign the petitions in the church. You can also reach out to our committee, and for additional information, please go to the Facebook page “Save Assumption Church.”.