Dear Editor: The students of Lincoln and Snyder High School, who demonstrated on February 28 and March 1, are to be commended for their commitment to organize and demonstrate their anger against police brutality. The demonstration is an example of what needs to be done at a time when racism is on the rise; the youth and people of color are targeted by police and workers in Jersey City face layoffs. It is no coincidence that from New York City and Jersey City to Los Angeles, the righteous anger of working and poor people of all nationalities is spilling into the streets demanding justice. This anger reached a boiling point after the acquittal of four white New York City police officers that shot to death unarmed African immigrant Amadou Diallo in a hail of 41 bullets. Here in Jersey City, much anger is due to the little action being taken to bring justice to Michael Anglin, an African American youth who was shot and killed by a Jersey City police officer. People across the country know that if four white cops can be exonerated for gunning down an unarmed African, then it is open season on all people of color. The people of Jersey City are frustrated over the slow actions of the Hudson County prosecutors. Only a united community can stop police brutality. What is needed is an organized movement of working and poor people in our community for community control of the police. This is different from a civilian review board. Community Control of the Police means a board of trusted members of the community would have the power to hire, fire and discipline the police that patrol the streets of our communities. This Community Review Board would have subpoena power to investigate police who use excessive force. The people of Jersey City have seen the waterfront explode with new housing and office development supported by city, state and federal monies. Small homeowners in Ward F and other parts of the city are being squeezed out of their homes when tax abatements are given to the billionaire waterfront developments. Mayor Schundler. Where are the job applications for the youth and unemployed people in our community to work on the light rail train, that is running through the heart of the black community? Where are the job applications for the construction jobs and apprentice programs to build the propsoed housing in our community? The community can win justice, livable wage jobs, education, affordable health care and housing when there is an organized united fight back movement of all poor and working people against cutbacks, layoffs, poverty and racism. Contact the All People’s Congress at 201-433-2332 and watch the Struggle Continues every Tuesday and Wednesday nights at 7 p.m on Jersey City Cable TV channel 51. John Jones, Chairperson All Peoples Congress