Dear Editor: The week of May 15 through May 21 is National Salvation Army Week. This is a time when The Salvation Army Nationwide thanks the many caring people who have given their friendship and support throughout the year. In the spirit of this occasion I want to thank all of our friends in New Jersey who have shared their time, talent and resources so we at The Salvation Army may better meet the needs of people in this state. With God’s help, The Salvation Army is “facing the future moving forward in service.” Our 26 community centers and 144 volunteer units across New Jersey offer a myriad of Christian social programs and services. Our focus is on meeting not only the physical, but the emotional and spiritual needs of people from all backgrounds 365 days a year. Our goal is to offer something more than a temporary fix to those in crisis. We strive to help people find what they need within themselves to make permanent change and to have hope for the future. I encourage everyone to learn more about The Salvation Army in their community. For more information call our toll free number 1-877-657-2769. Thank you and God Bless. Major Norman E. Wood State Commander