Dear Editor: Today religion is not simply ignored or ridiculed, as it was in the past, but religion is now being actively attacked and suppressed. The university community is following the classic progression that totalitarian societies have historically applied to groups that they want to eliminate. First they ridicule, then they stigmatize. Finally, they suppress. This happens to many religious students on campus today, particularly if they are Christian. Religious organizations find their funding eliminated and their charters revoked. This is done ostensibly because church and state do not mix but in reality because religion is seen as the primary obstacle to the false ideology of “multiculturalism.” The cause of this discrimination against religion is a false separation of church and state that is nowadays interpreted as prohibiting any public recognition of religion at all. Nothing is further from our past and our traditions, or is more harmful to our society. Our founding fathers had a clear view about the rule of religion in our society. Their view was that religion was an essential quality and virtue of our American society and of our republic. They believed that the whole society’s virtue and survival depended on our deep religious faith. In the words of Thomas Jefferson, “Can the liberties of a nation be thought secure when we have removed their only firm basis: A conviction in the minds of the people that liberties are the gift of God?” John Sabol