No excuse warranted for foot dragging on GDL Law

Dear Editor: On May 22, 2000, I arrived home from a vacation to the horrifying news of a tragic crash on Route 37 in Toms River that took the life of a teenager. Also the shocking news that the Graduated Drivers License has a new date of July 1, 2002, for the entire law to be in force. Parents do their part, but when teenagers walk out the door they become different people (remember yourself) and that is when the laws of our state have to do their part. Since burying my daughter at the age of 18 years due to inexperience, my goal has been for the GDL to become law. This bill signed into law on September 18, 1998, had an effective date of January 1, 2001. The reason for the delay was Y2K. Now with the new date of 7/1/02, the reason for this delay is unclear. Our children need more time to give them experience in driving. New drivers need behind-the-wheel road tests on actual roads before receiving their license. Consider the amendments to the GDL and realize how many teens will die. In the state of New Jersey there are 150-175 teen deaths each year because off inexperience. That means a 40 month wait before the law can be enforced and 487+ teens will lose their lives. Now, with a 4 year 10 month wait, 712+ teens will die. This figure is based on the minimum of the statistics. It’s OK, do the math; math never killed anyone. I commend the editor of the Asbury Park Press for speaking out in the editorial on May 24,2000, showing their concern for our teenagers. Governor Whitman has to publicly answer the people of New Jersey on why this bill has been amended. Just think, 4 years and 10 months for a NJ State Law to take effect. A Law that will save lives. This has been proven in other states and country’s. Canada implemented the GDL in less than a year in 1994 and has had a decrease of 48% in teen deaths. As does Florida and Georgia! There is no excuse plausible for Governor Whitman and the Motor Vehicle Department’s actions. Funds, computers or is it political? Why? Please explain your actions in sending 712+ teens to their deaths. If any of you (Governor Whitman and MVD) walked in our shoes the GDL would have been enforced the day it was signed. We deserve an answer. Barbara Ferry


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