Overuse of non-prescription medication can kill

Dear Editor: We have all heard the expression if “one is good more is better.” Unfortunately, this may not be the case with non-prescription medications. In the past two weeks the New Jersey Poison Information and Education System has assisted in the management of two patients that became very ill. In each case the patient took an excessive dose of acetaminophen. Acetaminophen is the active ingredient in many fever and pain reducing medications. In each case the person took more medication than they should have in a relatively short period of time. The first patient took multiple doses of an acetaminophen containing product over a 12 hour period for “severe toothache pain”, the second took it for “severe headache pain” that would not go away. “While the use of non-prescription medications is often viewed as safe, overuse can cause devastating side effects,” according to Bruce Ruck, Pharm.D., of the New Jersey Poison Information and Education System. “Overuse of non-prescription medications is common because people do not always follow or understand the directions on the label. In addition, some accidental overdoses occur because products with different brand names have the same active ingredient or they have active ingredients that work the same way.” The New Jersey Poison Information and Education System suggests that you ask your pharmacist for assistance when choosing non-prescription medications. If this is not possible, further information can be obtained from the New Jersey Poison Information and Education System, a specialist is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to assist in your drug information needs. Remember, help is just a phone call away (800) POISON-1. NJ Poison Information and Education System


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