I agree that there shouldn’t be prayer in schools

Dear Editor:
F. Haas is quite right in the precept that Judeo-Christianity is seeking to foist their beliefs on the whole.It does so quite regularly in Congress, the Supreme Court and many other public and private functions opened by a Judeo-Christian form of prayer. After all, for the most part, this country has been peopled, formed and governed by Judeo-Christians throughout its comparatively brief history.

F. Haas is also correct in stating the prayers and beliefs should be a private matter. They should be held within the modality of whatever sect of whatever man-made religion one holds their faith with. I say
man-made religions, because that is exactly what they are.

Now, before you go on to the next editorial in total chagrin, give me the courtesy to hear me out.

Try to imagine for a moment that Moses, Chris, Muhammad and the others upon whose precepts the various religions are based, returned to view what has happened to these precepts. I believe that they would be not only horrified, but totally disgusted at the way that various segments of the human race have purposefully perverted them for their own purpose with their rigid doctrines of worship. They would also
probably take a dim view of the individual totems that now serve as the emblems or revered symbols handcrafted to suite particular man-made precepts. Not to mention the horrific number of lives these
man-made religions have cost in the human need for power, dominance and of course, its attendant wealth. Take a moment and think about it.

Do not mistake me as an atheist, I am far from being that. I believe in the most divine idea ever given to us: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” A precept espoused by all man-made religions
in one way or another and practiced by none.

I agree with F. Haas, pray to whomever, whatever, whenever and wherever you like, but respect me as much as I respect you. Do it silently, vocalizing to your idea of God will not win you a football game. Nor will it get better grades for the children in school. Your individuality, efforts and skills will.

In this country, our governments, city, county, state and federal should not and legally cannot enforce any one religious concept on the people. Also, do not expect government to instill in your children in school any more than the learning of required subjects, and a knowledge of and respect for this country and its civil laws. One of which is the freedom to profess and practice your method of religion, but not to foist it on others. And, if you do believe in a supreme deity, by whatever name, you will do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

Arthur C. Tress


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