Wrong use of power can override public good

Dear Editor:

We have reached a sad and dangerous time in New Jersey. Our State Supreme Court is out of control and it is time it be alteredCwith or without its consentCfor the public good.

For years the NJ Supreme Court has waged a judicial war against the Will of The People of this state as expressed through our elected representatives. Its grotesque rulings have impacted taxes, school funding and most recently, a Parental notification law for minors seeking abortions. In that last case, the court went against the federal courts, the Legislature and Gov. Whitman by deciding the law was passed Afor no good reason.

It is not within the power of the Court to decide if the reason for a law is good or not. Such determinations are made by We The People through our elected officials.

In all these matters, this renegade Court overstepped its authority, usurped Legislative power, ran roughshod over the Constitution and thus perpetrated “bad behavior” for which the Justices can and should be impeached. Yet the Legislature has thus far failed to impeach these Judges.

As such, I think it necessary to remind a few people about Article One, Section Two of the New Jersey Constitution. It reads, in part: “Government is instituted for the protection, security and beneffit of the people, and they have the right at all times to alter or reform the same, whenever the public good may require it.” (Emphasize mine)

Citizen power to alter our government is not dependent upon an election or even government approval. Quite bluntly, we have the Constitutional power to impose change.

While we have the men, the money and the “equipment” to impose an alteration of our Government, it would be far better for the Legislature to assert itself and impeach the renegade Jurists infesting the New Jersey Supreme Court.

Harold C. Turner


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