McAdams’s concern is ‘two decades too late!’

Dear Editor:

After reading the letter to the editor from Dawn McAdam’s campaign manager and a flyer he distributed to residents, I find it impossible to understand why Mr. McAdam continues to play politics with the Keystone issue.

In his letter and flyer, Mr. McAdam writes: “My only criticism of the handling of the Keystone cleanup was your failure to appoint to the committee a few people from the immediate neighborhood.”

This is an inaccurate criticism.

Councilmen Mike Grecco and Christopher Marra live one block and three blocks respectively from the Keystone neighborhood. By any reasonable standard, they live in the immediate neighborhood.

And for a politician who says he has only one criticism, Mr. McAdam is quite long winded. He insists on writing inflammatory flyers seeking to frighten people. His political rantings are not productive in helping the neighborhood.

But the most puzzling aspect of the campaign manager’s letters and flyers is his criticism of the Town’s effort to keep residents informed.

A recent update I sent to residents of the First Ward informing them of the extraordinary steps we’ve taken to clean up the neighborhood was met with positive responses from everyone except Mr. McAdam and his candidate.

The bottom line is that Mr. McAdam’s feigned concern is two decades late. In 1980 when Keystone was operational and polluting our Town, Mr. McAdam was a candidate for Council and completely silent on the issue.

By playing politics with the issue now, he is doing nothing to improve the situation. The only way the Keystone matter will be resolved is through hard work. That hard work is coming from my Administration and Councilmen Grecco and Marra.

Mayor Dennis Elwell


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