Inconvenienced by children, not dogs, and I don’t have either!

Dear Editor:

As someone who has neither a dog nor a child, I’ve been trying to hold my tongue regarding this ridiculous debate going on about which group has more of a right to use Jersey City parks.

My patience has failed. In the last few years, this is what I’ve been subject to by self-involved parents and their off-spring; diapers being changed on restaurant tables and pull-down trays on airline flights; raucous children at midnight R-rated movies; public and gym pools being evacuated due to floating child excrement and vomit; strollers on rush-hour trains; seat-kicking and temper tantrum-throwing children on flights; and please, don’t even get me started on those stupid scooters.

I’m in any of three Jersey City parks on an almost daily basis, Hamilton, Van Vorst and Liberty State Park. When is the last time I’ve been inconvenienced by a dog or dog owner? That would be never. When is the last time I’ve stepped in dog dirt? Can’t remember. When is the last time I’ve seen a malicious, wooly, tumbleweed of dog hair engulf an unsuspecting child? Never. Too bad, too bad, some children can’t be muzzled and some parents can’t be “fixed.”

Hey parents, guess what! Not everyone cares about your children. Not everyone should have to. Your unwarranted and vindictive attacks on dogs and their owners have just inspired me to donate money to Zero Population Growth.

Brenda Sovinski


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