Big>Gore is good for Hoboken and country

Dear Editor:

As Mayor of our wonderful city, I’d like to take this opportunity to address all registered voters in Hoboken concerning the upcoming Presidential Election on November 7.

Since the election of President Bill Clinton and Vice President Al Gore in 1992, Hoboken has benefited greatly from the economic expansion of our nation. Combined with the efforts of my administration since I was first elected in 1993, Hoboken has really improved for the better in many ways.

The Federal COPS program has allowed Hoboken to improve the ratio of superiors to officers in our Police Department, thereby improving their effectiveness and lowering the crime rate in Hoboken considerably. The Clinton/Gore economic policies and their approach to applying new technologies to business have resulted in the creation of many new jobs here in our city and in Manhattan, providing a direct benefit to our local economy. And through increased Federal funding for education, our public schools are now experiencing improved test scores and an increase in enrollment. The list goes on and on and I’d like to see our success continue.

On November 7 we have a choice between Vice President Al Gore, who has played an active role in the unprecedented progress we have all experienced, or we can support George W. Bush, who cannot account for any progress in the state of Texas, where he is Governor.

My choice for President is Al Gore. Considering his background of experience as a member of the House of Representatives, as a United States Senator and as Vice President for the past eight years, I believe he can continue the progress we have made as a nation and serve our country with dignity and leadership for the next four years.

Please join me I supporting Al Gore for President on November 7.

Mayor Anthony Russo


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