Let’s all go out and support Gore, Lieberman and Corzine on November 7

Dear Editor:

As Chairwoman of the Hoboken Democratic Organization, I’d like to express my wholehearted support for Al Gore, Joe Lieberman and Jon Corzine in the General Election on November 7.

Here in Hoboken, the Democratic party has always stood for federal funding to support things that are important to our community, such as education, health and day care programs, protecting our environment and the creation of more park space for all to enjoy. Al Gore’s leadership on environmental issues gave my husband’s administration the incentive to produce the Southern Waterfront Development, a project that the Sierra Club recently called “the best example of urban planning in New Jersey.”

Without a doubt, Vice President Al Gore has demonstrated his leadership during the past eight years in office, and I believe he has the qualities needed to continue the success our country is now enjoying.

And, while I want to congratulate retiring Senator Frank Lautenberg for his years of service to New Jersey, I believe Jon Corzine can represent our State well with our support.

Please join me in supporting the Gore/Lieberman ticket and Jon Corzine on November 7 to ensure that Hoboken and our nation continues to prosper.

Michele Russo, Chairwoman
Hoboken Democratic Organization


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