Israel requests that US end travel advisory warning to that area

Dear Editor:

Israel asked the United States to lift its travel advisory warning against travel to Israel, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip.

The Israeli officials have seen a wave of canceled vacations that have left hotels and resorts with dozens of empty rooms.

In defense of its request, the Israeli government has noted that Israel is as safe for tourists as is New York City.

New York City is a massively unsafe place to visit, despite the good works of Mayor Giuliani. Advising that Israel is no worse than New York City is like advising that AIDS is no worse than pancreatic cancer; neither is an acceptable risk but at least travel is within our control.

It is an abomination that Israel, in a political move, would interfere with our government’s wise advice to its citizenry about travel. How dare they choose to place United Statesians in jeopardy just to enrich their coffers of dirty shekels.

Frank X. Landrigan


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