The Russos have done much for Latinos

Dear Editor:

Clearly, the author of last week’s letter regarding Michele Russo demonstrates that, at best, he is misguided, and at worst, just plain ignorant. You simply can’t however expect much of substance from people who live in denial and hide from the facts.

To imply that Michele Russo is anti-Latino is ludicrous. If the author knew his history he’d understand the struggles Latinos and Italians encountered under migrating to this city. Michele understands the Latino community’s plight. However, I can’t help and ponder why those who profess to be champions of Latino causes continue to remain silent and are utterly nowhere to be found when Latinos come under attack by “leaders” who they support. Where is the outrage then?

Before it became trendy for young people to be involved, I was campaigning on behalf of the Democratic party. My first campaign, at the age of 12, was on behalf of the late Sate Senator Chris Jackman and then Assemblymen Bernie Kenny and Bob Menendez. You won’t find a young, professional Latino more committed and loyal to the Democratic party than me. The truth remains, however, neither political party has done all that it can on behalf of Latinos and women. Not true for the Russos.

While some would prefer having women relegated to silence and obedience, I applaud Michele for being an independent, capable woman. For far too long women have been disenfranchised, and it’s time they made their influence felt! I admire Michele because you know where you stand with her. I applaud her candor — it’s something sorely needed in politics today.

While adversity may provide an education you can’t have education without facts. Under Anthony’s tenure, we’ve seen dramatic Latino advancement. We’ve witnessed the first Latina, Nellie Moyeno, serving as City Council President, and are fortunate to have an outstanding Latina leader in Wanda Alicea, who serves as VP of the Board of Ed. We also have a Latina Principal and two Latino Vice Principals, all of whom are fine testaments of intelligent Latinos making a real difference. These significant leadership positions were never afforded to Hoboken Latinos until Mayor Russo came to City Hall. But it doesn’t end there. Today, there are more Latinos in the Russo Administration than in any previous administration (including one related to the belligerent author himself, a fact made possible thanks to the mayor). Latinos and women alike are well represented at the table thanks in no small measure to the Russos.

So, why the sour grapes? Could it be that despite repeated demands these politically ambitious people won’t be running on the mayor’s ticket? Possible. Or could it be that after the mayor gave them jobs they had ridiculous demands that couldn’t be met? Maybe. I look forward, however, to engaging in a meaningful dialogue about the facts in the coming months as we expose those who try to manipulate their way into City Hall. “No trate de enga


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