Unlike Carmelo, Nellie and Robert really care about the Latinos

Dear Editor:

I wish people like Carmelo Garcia would stop knocking good, hardworking Hispanic leaders like City Council President Nellie Moyeno and Board of Education Trustee Robert Crespo. I’m really tired of it.

Where does Carmelo get off criticizing Nellie and Robert? Unlike Carmelo, Robert and Nellie actually care about the Latino community and can be counted on when the community is in need of help. When Latinos need help they can rely on Nellie and Robert to get things done. Anyone who knows Nellie knows she is someone who is sincere and who will bend over backwards to help someone in need. She has earned the privilege and the right to speak on behalf of the Latino community.

No one elected Carmelo Garcia our leader, and until he does something positive for a change, he should learn to keep his comments to himself.

Elsie Vargas


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