I resolve to… What Weehawken residents hope to accomplish this year

It’s a new year and a new millennium, so for most people, it’s the perfect opportunity for change. Some Weehawken residents have set goals for 2001. The following is what a few said.

Donna Morris

“My resolution was to not make any resolutions, because I never stick to them. I used to make the common resolutions like to watch my weight, but I usually only do it the first week of the year, and then it gets old.”

Alicia Negron

“I decided that I need to go to Puerto Rico more often, because my family is there. I haven’t been back home in three years, and I miss them.”

Jimmy Festa

“I don’t believe in making New Year’s resolutions. If you resolve your life all year, there’s no need to do it the first of the year. I might have done it as a kid, but I don’t anymore.”

Frank Piccininni

“My resolution is bad; it’s too spend all my money. I want to live it up before I die, so I’m going to spend my money on cruises. I love cruises and vacations. I have three children, and I take them with me on all my trips.”


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