An open letter of thanks to all the good people at St. Mary Hospital

Dear Editor:

On December 25 my husband suffered a massive pulmonary embolism and collapsed. He was rushed to St. Mary/Bon Secours Hospital, in Hoboken, for the second time in three years. This long overdue letter is a thank you to all the kind and good people who helped us.

Everyone, from the ambulance squad to the administration, from the food service and housekeeping staff to the nurses and doctors, treated us with care, respect and kindness.

The ambulance squad responded to our call on Christmas morning with speed and efficiency. They helped save my husband’s life. The tour chief, whose name I do not know, even stopped by later that day to visit my husband in intensive care.

I cannot say enough about the emergency room doctors and nurses. They are all exceptional people — unfortunately there are too many to name in this limited space. In ICU and in Telemetry we met some of the finest nurses and techs we have ever come across, including Mabel, Janice, Maureen, Maricor, Jeanne and Floyd, and so many others whose names we do not know. Many thanks also to Barry Patel and the radiology department.

And finally, the doctors, Dr. Kozel, Dr. Pumill, Dr. Fishbein, Dr. Duffy — we feel exceedingly lucky to have found four men such as yourselves in one small hospital; not only are you excellent doctors, but excellent human beings as well. Thank you for everything you have done and continue to do for us. St. Mary Hospital may be small but it is a truly first-rate hospital, and while I hope we never have to use its services again, I do feel comforted just knowing that it’s there.

Thank you, one and all.

Deborah Martin


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