Current Exchange

Send short, interesting missives Or write Current, 1400 Washington St., Box 3069, Hoboken, NJ. Long, earnest letters on serious matters should go to the long, earnest journalistic side of the office.

Dear Hal,
I used to swill 80 proof brandy for a cold. I swilled so much 80 proof brandy I ended up in AA.

Why don’t you waste $50 putting it in the basket at an AA meeting? For $50 you can find out what your life is going to end up like if your booze-soaked articles are any indication of who you and where you are at right now.

Call AA info. (212) 647-1680. There are meetings all days, all hours in Hoboken and Manhattan.

Sincerely, Alcoholic Anonymous.

P.S. For more mileage, put a dollar in every basket at 50 meetings!

P.P.S. Waste your wages – not your life.

Chris Halloran responds:
Not a bad idea. Maybe the day that I take that advice isn’t too far off. – HAL
Send short, interesting missives to Or write Current, 1400 Washington St., Box 3069, Hoboken, NJ. Long, earnest letters on serious matters should go to the long, earnest journalistic side of the office.

Looking for love
I read Piggy Rabinowitz’s article about Speed Dating and I found it very intriguing (“Looking for love in all the weird places,” Feb. 8.) I was wondering if they also have speed dating for non-Jewish singles. – Cathy D., Hoboken
As far as we know, as of now Speed Dating is only a Jewish thang. But, as Piggy noted in her article, Speed Dating was recently the focus of a Sex in the City episode, and my very well spread to other organizations. Good luck finding your mate.

Advertise you love
I totally agree with Piggy Rabinowitz’s point that meeting people with things in common is so important that we shouldn’t rule out personal ads. (“Other weird dating ideas,” Feb. 8) I met my last boyfriend through a personal and while we recently broke up, we’re still best friends. And, if I don’t meet anyone soon, I plan to use them again. – Heidi S., Jersey City
Right on!

Tasty treats
I’m new to town and didn’t realize that Maxwell’s serves food. I thought the only served music. Anyway, after reading Louise Thach’s article “Dishing out more than music,” I decided to stop into the club for a bite to eat and it was really good. Thanks for the tip. – Frank, Hoboken.
That’s what we’re here for, Frank.

Is it true
I heard a rumor that Hoboken’s Liquid Lounge is closing. Is it true? – Terri L., Hoboken
Yes, it is true. To learn more about it, read Louise Thach’s article on p. 4.


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