Dear Editor:
As a long-time resident of Union City, I have lived under the stewardship of different administrations at City Hall, and although I must say I do not have anything negative in particular to say about any of them, I take this opportunity to voice my opinion regarding our current administration.
During the last few months I have noticed that there is an actively implemented “open policy,” giving greater access to the common citizen to the Mayor’s office without any red tape which is often the case, unfortunately, in this type of environment. This is certainly a breath of fresh air.
Our Police Department’s presence is visibly more widespread throughout our neighborhoods, and more importantly, with a demeanor of markedly more professionalism and friendliness — another trait that many communities’ police departments have been either unable or slow to implement. In addition, the new administration has also managed to more wisely use our city’s resources resulting in the saving of much needed funds that will now be available for use in other areas.
The current leadership seems to be getting the necessary procedures in place to make our city a better community to live in a very short period of time. I commend Mayor Stack’s efforts and performance so far and wish him and his team continued success. Good leadership is more Art that Science and is often in rare supply indeed, and I am grateful we have found some here in such critically important circumstances.
Roberto Rosado