False advertising about lack of charity to homeless

Dear Editor:

In a recent compelling advertisement, we are corporately accused of a lack of charity to the homeless or the hungry. Of course, the advertising doesn’t say it quite that way. In its advertising, the AD Council- 1-800-55-GIVE 5 – speaks about the good fortune we all have: “In America, you are not required to offer food to the hungry, or shelter to the homeless.” And so the advertisement continues: “….one of the nicest things about living in America is that you really don’t have to do anything for anybody.”

The cutesy-poo wording is designed to railroad us into a guilt trip of breast-beating and wailing for our lack of “please excuse the expression”Christianity.

Of course, this advertisement says nothing about our being forced to pay taxes which include a generous amount for just such as this. It makes no mention of the waste and corruption within our government – and our charities – which deprives the homeless of needed assistance.

It also does not criticize the diversion of our taxes–without our consent–to the “arts,” including Yo Mama, piss Christ, dung Mary, etc. In America, we are required to contribute to degrading depictions of this sort. If we criticize this “art”, we are reminded of the provisions of the 1st Amendment to the U.S. Constitution; of course, that provision says nothing about the government [read “Taxpayers”] funding “art.”

The next time you fail to pay your taxes, just remember that “….you are not required….” Be prepared, then, to become one of the homeless [or have a home provided for you, courtesy of the local warden].

Of course, none of this applies to Marc Rich – of Clinton-pardon fame!

Frank X. Landrigan


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