Join in the March of Dimes WalkAmerica and give a child a safe and healthy start!

Dear Editor:

It may surprise you to know that of the 113,000 babies born in New Jersey last year, 8,600 weighed less than 51/2 pounds at birth, 13,500 were born to mothers who received late or no prenatal care and 4,500 had birth defects.

It also may surprise you to know that U.S. babies are less likely to reach their first birthdays that babies in 24 other industrialized nations. Despite having the world’s best doctors and hospitals, we ranked 25th in rates of infant mortality.

Behind these statistics are children who need our help, children who are fighting for their lives today as well as children not yet born. That’s why I am joining thousands of Americans nationwide in the March of Dimes WalkAmerica on April 29. With 13 walk sites in Northern New Jersey, WalkAmerica serves as a fundraiser and a visual member of the importance of infant health and prevention of birth defects.

A proud national sponsor of WalkAmerica, CIGNA HealthCare knows the best birth outcomes don’t start in the delivery rooms. They are the product of planning, education, healthy pregnancies and good medical care. Every day we help members stay healthy as they prepare for the arrival of their babies. The CIGNA HealthCare Healthy Babies program provides expectant mothers with information and services that promote a healthy and safe pregnancy, such as encouraging them to eat properly, take vitamins and visit their OB/GYN.

But we want to do more. That’s why we’re working with the March of Dimes to help fund breakthroughs for babies. March of Dimes is a pioneer in funding research and promoting preventive care for babies and expectant mothers. If you have ever received a polio vaccine, took folic acid while pregnant or had a PKU test after birth, you have been touched by the work of the March of Dimes.

New Jersey has taken great strides to ensure babies are safe and happy. But there is more to do. By participating in WalkAmerica, you take another step toward giving a child a healthier start. To participate, call 1-800-BIG-WALK.

Kurt Weimer, President and General Manager
CIGNA HealthCare of New Jersey
Jersey City


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