Take Light Rail to see Radiohead

Dear Editor,

The May 13th issue featured an article and a letter to the editor about Cirque du Soleil, the focus of both being horrendous traffic problems and pollution. Another article mentions Radiohead planning to perform in the Park. That article also mentioned the traffic and alluded to traffic congestion surrounding last year’s Andrea Bocelli concert. Next, an upcoming Public Safety Awareness Expo within the Park. All this within the same issue which lamented the low ridership of the Hudson-Bergen Light Rail system. Doesn’t anyone see a link? Rather than sit in traffic, take light rail (or walk or bike). Get out of your car, especially Jersey City and Bayonne residents. I doubt many people who live in downtown Manhattan drive to Central Park; they take the train, then walk, bike, or roller blade. If driving to the park or traveling with dogs, consider car pooling with friends and family.

Concert promoters, the Statue of Liberty ferry and the Liberty Science Center should be encouraged by Park administrators to offer event/light rail combination tickets. Discounts should be offered to restaurant and Science Center visitors who display their current tickets. It’s a win-win solution.The only way to ease traffic congestion is for fewer people to drive.

Shaun Witten


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