The time for action is now!

Dear Editor:

Global warming, two words with the power to turn the world into ashes. What is being done, in my opinion, not enough. The United States makes up only 4% of the world’s population, and yet we contribute 25% of the dangerous ozone gases. President Bush has cut 2.3 billion dollars on environmental research. He has also declined signing the Kyoto Protocol.

Global warming is already affecting our world from Antartica, which has increased its annual melt season up from three weeks to twenty to Mount Kiliamanjaro, which has lost 75% of its ice caps since 1912. Next stop, Montana which will lose all glaciers in Glacier National Park by 2070 if nothing is done.

I want my children to live in a safe and healthy environment; I know that my dreams for my future children are going to be dashed if not enough is done for the environment, beginning now!

Emily Purcell


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