Terry LaBruno, a modest proposal

Dear Editor:

What to do with my vote, a perplexing question indeed. The political season in Hoboken is afoot, replete with intrigue, political subterfuge and good old-fashioned coercion. In Hoboken, stifling freedom of expression through political repercussion has been raised to a form of art. Dissident voices are quietly silenced, but no one will utter how it happens. It is a scenario worthy of a Nancy Drew mystery, or for you gentlemen out there, the Hardy Boys.

What is not a mystery is that my vote and yours is as anonymous as this letter. What is even less a mystery, in my mind, is that when I close the curtain of the voting booth, the first box I will check will be Terry LaBruno. Terry offers a sane, sensible solution to the city government, devoid of the political hyperbole, which is so much a part of the political landscape of our town. Fiercely independent, a critical thinker, Terry will open the windows to the smoke-filled back rooms where deals are struck, allowing in the fresh air of public trust. Only after I cast my ballot for Terry LaBruno, will I consider the rest. I urge you to put Hoboken first by voting first for Terry.

Name Withheld


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