Take a stand against affordable housing!

Dear Editor:

Mayor Russo and both of his opponents seem to have a rather peculiar concept of “affordable housing.” It seems that they are confusing the notion that with that of “state-subsidized housing.”

As a recent immigrant (from Pittsburgh), I don’t have access to what the mayor would consider affordable housing. In fact, taking housing off the market by making it, well “affordable” seems to do nothing but push up the market value of housing for those of us that don’t receive handouts.

Don’t get me wrong: I’d probably jump on the opportunity to not have to live with two roommates. However, eliminating state housing makes sense from three perspectives: 1. The Civic/Social Perspective. A wealthy community is a happy community. Eliminating public housing gives home buyers a reason to raise kids here, instead of high-tailing it out to Morris County the moment that there’s a bun in the oven. 2. The Free Market Perspective. Trying to teach your kid the value of a dollar? Eliminate public housing and never have to answer that “why do those people only pay as much for an apartment as daddy does to park his car” question: save that awkwardness or the birds and bees. 3. The Development Perspective. Are ya afraid that Hoboken is getting too crowded? Instead of tying the hands of the captains of industry, why don’t we try voting the dirty neighborhood out of the tribe.

There are many more arguments to be made. From what I hear, Hoboken’s projects aren’t even a reliable place to buy drugs; most of the scenesters that I know have to PATH it into the city.

Don’t be fooled, folks. The powers that be will try to make this a race issue and have done so since the Mount Laurel case. You and I know that it’s a class issue. Show you have some class and take a stance against public housing.

T. Jones


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