Dear Editor:
The Union City Office of Veterans’ Affairs is seeking relatives of William Magee, Emerson High School Class of June, 1940 and Kenneth Magee, Emerson High School Class of January, 1943.
William Magee served in the U.S. Army in the Atlantic and Kenneth Magee in the U.S. Marine Corps in the Pacific. We believe the family were residents of 18th Street in Union City. There was also a sister, Marjorie, who also graduated with the January, 1943 class of Emerson High.
We are seeking information on the Magee family which could lead to a special honor for these Veterans.
If there is anyone in the community who remembers this family and could help us with information, please contact the Union City Office of Veterans’ Affairs at 201-271-2299.
Thank you.
George Pycik
Veterans’ Affairs Director
City of Union City