Teachers join in song Jersey City school district to start faculty choir

A faculty that sings together will work better together – at least that is what Jersey City Schools Superintendent Charles Epps Jr. is hoping.

At the faculty convention at the Continental Airlines Arena in East Rutherford last month, Epps announced that he wants the district’s faculty to participate in “A Class Act,” a newly formed choir for district employees, to perform at special events throughout the year.

The crowd cheered after Epps announced his plans for this first-ever initiative to bring together teachers, administrators and other staff members. Currently, almost 75 people have signed up for the choir. The district’s Visual and Performing Arts Supervisor Nancy Healy said more are expected to join.

Healy, an educator with the district for 10 years, is not expecting faculty members to be professional singers, but she hopes many come out and support the program.

“We want to get as many people together for community performances,” Healy said last week. “This gives the staff a way to interact outside of school.”

About 100 people are expected to participate from the district’s 3,600-member teaching staff, according to Healy. The choir, which plans to meet for the first time this month, will perform during the holiday season at school functions and in the community. They will sing many styles of music ranging from classical and pop to jazz and rock. Anybody in the district can join, and right now, Healy said, they are looking for possible candidates to direct the choir.

“Some people have shown an interest to lead the group, but right now we want to get the people together,” she said. “We’ll have a director soon.”

During his hour-long speech at the convention, Epps said, “There is no requirement that you be great, only enthusiastic. I continue to be amazed at the amount of talent among our staff, and would like to bring together those interested in performing.”

First year teacher Carmelina Castano from Public Elementary School 23 on Romaine Avenue said she will most likely join the choir this year. She was part of a choir when she was a student, and the idea of singing again appeals to her.

“It sounds like lots of fun,” Castano said, smiling. “If my friends in the district join, I’ll do it.”

When asked if Epps signed up for the program, Healy replied, “Not yet, but I hope he does.”


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