We are prisoners in our own home

Dear Editor:

I am voicing my opinion in regard to a letter in your column last month. This person complained about a tee shirt displayed in a merchant’s store window depicting a middle-eastern character encircled persona non grata; such as a no-smoking sign would be displayed in public places. It is the first amendment right of this person to speak out as well as the store merchant’s right to display his show of patriotism as an American. We have morons in this country who dislike the American flag displayed in public places as well as schools and business areas and city council meetings. We have the Richard Geres, Martin Sheens and the Baldwin Brothers professing their bleeding liberal hearts for a bunch a scum that’s only intent is to destroy the USA and our way of life. Let us add this writer to the Jane Fonda group and cry out for the oppressed in this world. Because of people like her, Senator McCain and Richard Denton, US Navy flyers, spent eight years in a Hanoi jail, “The Hanoi Hilton,” during the Viet Nam war.

The enemy was 12,000 miles away, and we were safe from harm’s way. Today we all face a different enemy, and they live among us. We have a country that protects and harbors all who come to our shores that want to seek a new life and yearn to be free. Many terrorists cells utilize this open door policy to wreck havoc and destruction upon all Americans in the name of a religion they twist and distort as an excuse to kill without a license.

Many Americans cannot sleep, live in fear and wonder when the next terrorist attack will come upon us. Car rental agencies are swamped with requests for the Thanksgiving and Christmas season. It feels safer to go “over the river and through the woods to grandmother’s house” by car than take a plane. We are prisoners in our own home.

I ask the writer to define what is offensive? 5000 dead and 7000 children who’s parents won’t be home for the holidays or a tee shirt displayed in a store window? How about the 400 firemen, policemen and EMT personnel who are gone on the fateful day, 9-11-01? We now face the threat of biological and nuclear attack form Benny Bin Laden, who has nothing to lose and will not be taken alive. Never equate these Muslim radicals with the Kamikaze pilots of World War II! At that time the Japanese were desperate to defend their homeland against American invasion. Learn your history and if we forget, we tend to repeat it. It’s time to close our borders and deport all expired visas and green cards. Green Peace can step aside, and the USA can drill for oil right here in North America. So many fear global warming and the poisoning of our environment; which is the lesser of the two evils?

If the writer takes a look across the Hudson, she will notice the NYC skyline has been altered a bit. Never again, our country, love it or leave it. Unlike the writer, I’m signing my name.

Jack Turso


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