In response to T. Weed

Dear Editor:

I was not going to respond to your letter "T" because I read this paper every week and see some of the things you say, and quite frankly, I really felt it was a waste of my time for obvious reasons. But I got to thinking, what a hypocritical viewpoint you expressed. You do realize that by writing your views and expressing them in the paper, you are practicing the very freedom that we are fighting for, and you blast that fight. Furthermore, you do it on a day that commemorates the men and women who died in wars that made that luxury (that you blatantly take advantage of) possible.

I do agree with you on one thing, our lives will never be the same. The point of this fight is to ensure that the way we live will not be destroyed completely. I would love for you to express this idea to someone who lost someone in the WTC or the planes or the Pentagon, under your real name, look in their faces and see whether or not they want to "turn the other cheek." As Americans we were not fighting any holy war against anyone. These were fathers and brothers, sisters and mother, not combatants.

Oh and as for your Pow-wow, great idea. We are really dealing with reasonable people. Most reasonable people I know don’t hijack planes and ram them into buildings with the sole purpose of killing thousands of people and themselves in the process. You solved it "T"; set up the meeting, let’s start negotiating.

So there you have it, my response. The fact that I am able to write it makes me proud to be an American. You can turn the other cheek. Both of mine will be facing straight ahead at that vacant space across the river praying for those veterans we lost in those buildings and planes and for the heroes fighting for our freedom (being a Christian and all I do that). Put that in your pipe and smoke it, not whatever you put in it when you write these letters.

Irene Smith


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