Very fortunate and grateful to have NHCAC as my neighbor

Dear Editor:

I write this letter today in honor of our own unsung local heroes. Having just returned from "Immunization Day" sponsored by Congressman Robert Menendez and the North Hudson Community Action Corp., I realized how fortunate I am to have NHCAC as my neighbors.

Currently in the throes of a financial morass, I cannot express how much it meant to me to have my children immunized not only for free but with kindness and caring in at atmosphere of fun and congeniality.

For as long as I can remember, North Hudson Community Action Corp under the leadership of its CEO and President, Union City Commissioner Michael A. Leggiero, has always been there for my family and me when no one else has. And it’s not just me, speaking to one of the NHCAC Community Health Centers’ medical personnel there, I learned that over 160 of our youngsters had been immunized today alone!

I don’t know how NHCAC manages to be there all the time for everyone, but they do, and I am eternally grateful. On behalf of myself and the proud parents of the other 160+ children immunized today, I extend my heart-felt appreciation to Congressman Menendez, Mr. Leggiero and the wonderful NHCAC family.


Maritza Perez


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