It is the Lord’s Word

Dear Editor:

Where can we learn of Heavenly Order? The answer is simple! It is the Lord’s Word!

The Word contains all the laws of divine order, for its percepts are the laws of divine order! Therefore to the extent that man knows and lives according to them his internal is opened, and the order or image of Heaven is formed there anew. This makes clear what is meant by being in the form of Heaven, namely, that it is to live according to those things that are in the Word!

Be wise and memorize this last sentence. It is important.

We live in a world that is lacking in order! Indeed there are disorders of every kind. Young people are as fully aware of this as adults, and we need not pretend otherwise.

Pretended unawareness of a problem is stupid!

Yet facing up to disorders of this world, where even civil order is being threatened, is not enough. For this by itself cannot teach us what order is. The Lord alone can instruct us in order — all appearances to the contrary.

You will find this is a basic principle about order! We seek not for any human authority to tell us what is of order and what is not. We seek divine revelation. Realizing this, we are more apt to enquire further and see the correctness of Judeo-Christian concepts!

The primary thing of order is for man to be an image of God, consequently, that he is continually perfecting in Love and Wisdom and thus becoming that image more and more.

John Sabol


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