Let’s talk trash

Dear Editor:

We recently received our tax bill, which included a one-page message from our Mayor in which he said it was time to get tough on trash in Hoboken. His plan was also outlined in an article in your paper. I applaud him, it’s an idea that is overdue, but his method is horribly flawed.

Zero tolerance is another great idea, but not zero tolerance for homeowners who don’t clean the street everyday. Since when is my responsibility to clean up after the slobs who toss litter on our streets? I have respect and pride for our city, something that was never instilled in people who litter, but should I have to clean our streets or risk a fine?

If you want to have zero tolerance have it for the guy who buys six lottery tickets at the candy store on my corner every day and then after he scratches them off drops them on the sidewalk without a second thought. Have zero tolerance for the High School kids who toss drink containers and candy wrappers wherever they please. Have zero tolerance for the people who shop at the grocery store, pocket their purchase and let their receipt and plastic bag sail in the wind. Have zero tolerance for the people who park their cars and dump everything from ashtrays full of cigarette butts to fast food containers into the streets without a care.

Have zero tolerance for the source of the problem, Mr. Mayor, the way voters did last May.

Rick Mueller


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