Making the world a better place

Dear Editor:

As T. Weed says, “In every disaster, there’s opportunity.” As a result of 9/11 we are up against a diverse and far fleeing enemy. Did we create this enemy by our policies and heavy-handed help to Israel? We don’t live in a vacuum but what’s done is done. Go from here. I say thank goodness we’re fighting tooth and nail to protect ourselves and keep the rich life we have for our children. If that means shaping the world for our benefit, so be it. Ousting S. Hussein and stabilizing Iraq is not a bad idea. Sure the corporations will get richer rebuilding the country, but maybe the people will then have clean water and a stable life. Not so bad I think. It’s a start. A stable Afghanistan with a pipeline coursing through it where people aren’t buffeted by war lords- not too bad.

Should we neglect alternative energy, solar, wind? How can it be neglected when it has money making potential? And since for a good part of our lives we focus on that very issue — how to get money and get more, some enterprising folks will figure it out, get the job done, make the companies, sell the shares, and give PSE&G a run.

As far as his “Terrorism Unlimited Co.,” selling a “get back at your enemies package,” the poor soul he describes sitting on a bench eaten away from “blasted hopes, defers & gratifications,” and pissed at a debt owed to him from the past, anything is possible, but this man-on-a-bench could also, perhaps, not care a hoot about a debt owed, could not be ruminating over and grinding his teeth about old enemies and “getting back.” Perhaps, he’s enjoying the sun warming his face, sitting awhile to observe the comings and goings of the human dilemma and think “been there, done that” and with a mind at ease and honest, step walk toward house.

Ruth Walker


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