March is National Women’s History Month

Dear Editor:

This letter serves as a reminder that March is National Women’s History Month. Since 1987, Congress has acknowledged March as National Women’s History Month, and celebrations have taken place across America. New Jersey also has honored this period by designating March 2002 as Women’s History Month.

This month is set aside for all of us to stop and reflect on the many contributions that women have had on the living and changing American culture. Whether it’s in the area of music, the arts, sciences, humanities, business or trade, cultural change is occurring rapidly with the help of women.

This year, the State Assembly honored the Center for American Women and Politics at Eagleton Institute of Politics for their contributions to expanding women’s involvement in the public sector. Founded in 1971, the Center inspires women to pursue careers in elected and appointed offices as well as provides a wealth of information to women already in office.

Please use this month to spark a new interest in uncovering women’s heritage. Become more familiar with the successes and feats of women all around us and how they have contributed positively to society. National Women’s History Month is an excellent starting point for celebrating women’s history all year long.

Rafael J. Fraguela
Assemblyman District 33


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