Town Council has no answers on crime

Dear Editor:

Turner must get a migraine whenever his photo doesn’t appear at least five times on the front pages of the Reporter, or whenever an employee doesn’t agree to hang at least five of his signs on their home. Otherwise why would he bother to direct his cronies to fill up the letters to the editor page as well? Personal criticism of WIN candidates is easy for them. Why don’t Turner’s people ever talk about real issues instead of hurling insults?

Fifty percent drop in crime? Who are they kidding? The police are going door to door reminding residents to lock their windows, because of the rash of burglaries around town. Do you think our teenagers are lying when they tell us they know where the drug dealers on 19th Street and Park Avenue are? My teenager knows which corners in Weehawken to avoid.

First amendment rights protect free speech, yet most of the WIN campaign signs in Park Avenue shops have mysteriously gone missing. There are stronger laws protecting political candidates from attacks. Did you know that WIN candidates have received harassing phone calls, have been verbally threatened in public, and have even had rocks thrown into their windshields when they’ve gone campaigning? These are crimes, too. How can we trust Turner’s propaganda about crime statistics when the most obvious evidence flies in its face?

Shame on those who spread lies and dirty tricks to keep our residents silent. Let’s return honesty to our local government. Citizens, you do have a choice and it’s time to exercise your rights. Vote for the WIN team and you have made a difference.

Sean Baldwin
WIN Campaign Manager


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