Teterboro planes too low, noisy?

Dear Editor:

As many of you know, I was appointed by the town to the Teterboro Aircraft Noise Abatement Advisory Committee (TANAAC) in February, 2002.

This committee was formed to monitor complaints regarding the noise and flight patterns of airplanes flying in and out of Teterboro Airport. It meets quarterly and reviews complaints received from residents and others in the surrounding towns.

I attended my first meeting on April 24 and listened intently to the complaints received from people in other towns. When I advised the committee that I frequently hear complaints from residents since I represent an area where airplanes seem to pass over, the Noise Abatement Officer from Teterboro said they have not received any complaints from Secaucus.

I explained that residents would complain to their local officials rather than the airport itself. Besides, who would they call?

As a result of my inquery with the airport personnel, I received a hot line telephone number which Secaucus residents should use to register their complaint. I encourage all residents with any type of complaint about noise, etc. to call (201-288-8828).

You will need to give your address and the time to enable the airport to tract what airplane passed over and whether it was too low, too noisy, etc.

I encourage all residents to take advantage of this opportunity.

John Bueckner
Second Ward Councilman


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