Let’s remember our heroes

Dear Editor:

On May 27 we observed Memorial Day, a legal holiday for veterans of foreign wars and of heroes who served our country and keep America alive. They deserve a monument in memory of their heroics with their achievement of greatness. Let’s not destroy their vision. Yes you laugh with joy, you cry of fear, because when war strikes, it’s a strong emotion of disaster, an attack on America. This carries a meaning of your voice to speak the truth; the enemy is still alive!

I’m proud and honored to be a senior citizen and to serve my country, having been in World War II and served in Germany. I was proud to stand with other veterans for freedom and to bring our military soldiers of men and women back home to their loved ones.

Our representatives who run for political office, your job is far from finished. Both the opportunities and challenges are greater than ever, because who knows what lies ahead? We must stand together fighting for what’s right or wrong! You know I have words that inspire me by Mark Twain who once said I believe if you tell the truth, you don’t need a good memory. Because you’re the master of your own mind.

Now to all the veterans and military soldiers, men and women that are in service, that you go with God’s love. And God Bless America and our flag of honor.

Louis V. Saliceti


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