“…one Nation under God…”

Dear Editor:

I am saddened and outraged at the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruling that the words “…one Nation under God…” be deleted from our Pledge of Allegiance to our flag.

The United States of America was founded by a group of people seeking – among other freedoms – religious freedom. In the two hundred and twenty-six years since the founding of our government, millions of people from around the world have come to America, bringing with them their many religions and cultures. Most of the cultural traditions dear to immigrants and their descendants are rooted in religion.

Like other issues we face as a nation, debate on the issue of the separation of church and state continues. However, some inject their misguided opinion into the issue, rather than fact and continue their argument based on half-truths and disregard for democracy.

The separation of church and state is meant to protect the American people from religious zealots who would have all of us worshipping their personal god. Any American can worship any god they want to. Freedom of religion should not mean that our government should oppress its peoples’ worship of a god of their choosing.

For many years, America fought against communism, a form of government that banned worship of any god and oppressed religious traditions. I remind the Court that its primary function is to protect the rights of the American people, especially concerning a right so basic that people fled communist and other oppressive governments to come to America just to have that right.

We are a nation of majority rule and we are a nation which honors personal choice. The majority of Americans do worship “God,” in one form or another. Because America is comprised of all religions and all ethnicities, “God” is a personal choice and “God” is whomever we and he or she to be.

As it stands already, “God” is many things to many people. “God” can mean Jesus or Allah. “God” can be represented in Nature and in the stars and the heavens. “God” can be in a flower, in an ocean wave, in a quiet forest or in the fierce tiger. For most Americans, “God” is the creator of all of this and to deny this is unacceptable to them.

Any American also has the personal choice to not worship any god at all and to simply delete the words “…one Nation under God…” when they recite the Pledge of Allegiance. There are some who refuse to recite the Pledge of Allegiance at all. But, that is their right as Americans, whether we agree with it or not.

But to rule against the wishes and traditions of the majority of Americans is, simply, un-American.

I stand with Governor James McGreevey, President George W. Bush, and other American leaders who support the efforts to reverse this ruling.

Brian P. Stack
Mayor of Union City


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