Some good news for seniors and low-income families from Verizon

Dear Editor:

I would like to let your readers know about some good news I recently received from the Governor’s office regarding senior citizens and low-income families.

Thanks to the diligence of Governor Jim McGreevey, the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities has voted on a decision that will provide significant benefits to senior citizens and low income families who are customers of Verizon.

Under the plan, the Lifeline Assistance Program will be expanded, the Access New Jersey educational initiative will be increased, residential telephone rates will be kept at current levels, and customer service improvements will be upgraded for eligible senior citizens and low-income families.

The Board of Public Utilities will also expand their oversight of Verizon’s customer service performance to ensure service standards are met.

I would like to thank Governor McGreevey and the BPU for taking into consideration the situation of many of New Jersey’s and Hudson County’s families, many of whom live at or below the poverty level. Telephone service is a lifeline, especially for our senior citizens.

In addition, our schools which are facing cutbacks in aid, will benefit greatly from the increased discounts in services from the Access New Jersey Program which provides equipment and technology for high- speed internet access services.

It’s about time someone in New Jersey is thinking of our ordinary citizens and strapped educational district when it comes to public utilities.

Brian P. Stack
Mayor of Union City


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