Today we live in a troubled world

Dear Editor:

We should worry about homeland defense because this problem is real. I’d like to see crackdown on crime in our community and have self defense classes.

First, know yourself; second, understand yourself; third, be your higher self! We must defend from muggings, purse snatchings and rapes. Keep drug dealers under surveillance. We need law and order in our community. Don’t ignore this situation, learn to be the master of your own mind, and try to remain in command of your thoughts, and if you have a cell phone, call the police at 911.

To the senior citizens population, vacation time is here. Let’s try to be very careful of crime, have fun and be alert and on guard at all times. Because today we live in a troubled world with conditions of physical pain and distress.

Yes, war causes a punishment of suffering with a feeling of guilt. As a senior citizen I love my country, we must perform our duties as Americans and let freedom ring. We need a peacemaker to fix our problelms with a vision and voice of leadership.

I as a Commissioner on Senior Affairs would like to see a resolution authorizing the city council to help the senior citizens with their benefits like Medicare prescription drugs, life insurance policies and raising a family to improve the quality of life. Because all councilmembers use the senior population at election time for their vote. You have the privilege of making a choice for us. Mr. Robert Byrne, I hope you would put this on the agenda for a resolutions vote.

Thank you and God Bless America.

Louis V. Saliceti
Mayor’s Commissioner on Senior Affairs.


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