Let’s rethink the demolition of Demarest School

Dear Editor:

What is the Board of Education thinking? No one sane could possibly support the plan to demolish the Demarest School on 4th and Garden Streets, one of the most spectacular buildings in Hoboken with its cream colored bricks and fine tile work, a building beautifully renovated over the last 5 months, even refitted with a brand new roof that took weeks to repair and tar.

The thinking seems to be, since the State will give us the money to destroy a school, we have to use it, but this wastefulness goes beyond reason. With the amount of money these months of renovation cost, with the school’s outstanding architecture and esthetic beauty, and with the paltry excuse of replacing it with a slap-dash and useless new building, this plan, if it can be so qualified, is a slap in the face to the entire city. This idea is worse than absurd, it is ludicrous.

Vincent Aurora, Jr.


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